Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Traditional VO/SOT/VO

I'll be honest, I'm a bit confused as to what we're supposed to do with the movie, but here's a crack at it.

Most everyone else that's doing it has applied something from their major or their hobby, be it Chloe dancing or Kent fighting, etc.

So I'm a Communications major (with an emphasis in Advertising, like Kent), and as a prerequisite media writing class we had a unit on broadcast journalism and how to write a package or VO/SOT/VO (Voice-over, sound on tape, voice-over).

An excellent example of that is this (warning: explicit language at about the 20 second mark).

So I decided that (along with other blogging) I'll write a VO/SOT/VO for a potential Shakespeare report (although I'm not in the group telling the story of how it came about, it should help a bit). We could easily prepare it as if it were a real newscast, even with something as simple as iMovie.

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